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Data Overview


Data Description Frequency
StockPrice Daily stock prices including open, high, low, close, and volume Daily
ValuationMeasurement PE ratio, PB ratio, and dividend yield Daily
StockMarginBalance Margin related info, buy, sell and balances. Daily
StockInstitutionTradeSummary Trade summary of institutional investors like foreign dealers, proprietary, ... Daily
Revenue Monthly revenue, with comparisons to previous periods Monthly
FinancialRatio Profit margins and other key financial ratios Quarterly
BalanceSheet Data on assets, liabilities, equity, and capital Quarterly
IncomeStatement Details on revenue, gross profit, operating income, and net income Quarterly
CashFlowStatement Net cash flow of operating, investing and financing Quarterly
StockDividend Dividend details including amounts, ex-dividend dates, and payment dates Yearly
StockCompany Company info like name, industry, market category, and capital -


Data Description Frequency
ETFPrice Daily ETF prices including open, high, low, close, and volume Daily
ETFMarginBalance Margin related info, buy, sell and balances. Daily
ETFInstitutionTradeSummary Trade summary of institutional investors like foreign dealers, proprietary, ... Daily
ETFDividend Dividend amounts, ex-dividend dates and more Yearly
ETFProfile Basic info of ETF -


Data Description Frequency
IndexPrice Daily Index prices including open, high, low, close, and volume Daily
IndexProfile Basic info of Index -


Data Description Frequency
ForexRate Daily exchange rate of the base currency Daily
ForexProfile Basic info of currency -